Doctor Otto Shrink and his family members are all Orangutans. He always has a pair of binoculars hanging around his neck, together with a back-pack filled with solutions for all kinds of Pet-related issues.
He is a great admirer of Dr. Jane Goodall and her incredible work; Together with Doctor Wooff , Doctor Otto Shrink is encouraging “YOUNGSTERS” to find out what they are passionate about and then join or create a group of likeminded people who are committed to staying involved;
He likes the idea of having 3 types of local projects such as helping animals, campaigning against the use and waste of plastic, and helping with environmental cleanup campaigns such as keeping local beaches and parks clean;
Doctor Otto Shrink travels the world as a keynote speaker and an ambassador for endangered species.
For relaxation, Doctor Otto Shrink does stretching exercises. One of his hobbies is reading and swing dancing. He also has a passion for motorcycles and in one of the animated episodes, he will show his greatest invention, "The Shrink Wrap"!